Our Medjouls' Journey

In Tomore, we're passionate about bringing these succulent jewels from our desert farms straight to your table, and we want to share the journey with you. Here's a peek into the carefully curated steps we take to ensure you receive the finest Medjool dates:


1. Selecting the Perfect Palms:

Our story begins with choosing the ideal Medjool palm offspring. We prioritize tissue-cultured seedlings, grown in controlled environments to guarantee disease resistance and consistent quality. These young palms are then nurtured in special nurseries until they're ready for the vastness of the desert.


2. Desert Embrace: Planting and Care

The heart of our operation lies in the Egyptian lands, where the desert sun and fertile soil form a perfect partnership. Each palm is meticulously planted, ensuring proper spacing and access to vital irrigation. We utilize drip irrigation systems to conserve water while providing the palms with their precise hydration needs.


3. Nature's Symphony: Pollination and Fruit Set

As the palms mature, the delicate dance of pollination begins. Skilled male flower clusters are introduced to female flowers, ensuring fruit set. This natural process is crucial for the development of plump, juicy Medjool dates.

Medjoul planting


4. Basking in the Sun: Ripening and Harvesting

Under the watchful gaze of the desert sun, the Medjool dates slowly ripen, their sugars concentrating and flavors intensifying. We monitor them closely, and when they reach their peak of perfection, the harvesting begins. Skilled workers carefully handpick each date, ensuring they arrive at your doorstep in pristine condition.



5. From Sinai to You: Sorting, Packing, and Shipping

Harvested dates undergo a meticulous sorting process. Only the finest, unblemished fruits make the cut. These premium dates are then gently packed in protective, breathable containers to preserve their freshness during their journey to you.


Medjoul planting